Saturday, July 21, 2012 Ever since graduation, things changed. Life changed but i still miss those times when i was still schooling. Regardless it is primary, secondary or tertiary level. Its always fun to go to school when you have friends no matter how hard studies were. Because humans always enjoy the company of friends. Now that i have entered my national service, everything changed. But it was fast, i have served for 1 month plus already. Few more weeks and i will be "passing out". Its a day that all NS men wish it will come faster. After passing out i will be posted to division. Hopefully life will be better there. Life sucks right now. Time spent with girlfriend also getting lesser and lesser. Girlfriend has been complaining about it but there is nothing much i can do except trying to go out lesser with friends during the weekends and spend time with her. But still i feel that friends are forever, i can't just dun meet them even though i am busy. Many friends have helped me along the way in life and i dun want to just throw them away when i am busy with life. Its not something i will do though. Have been trying hard to jio some friends out but some couldnt make it themselves so hopefully we can meet up soon. :) Can't talk much about my career here so i shall share it another time in another way. Shall blog again the next time i have the feel. Wei Ping posted at 9:49 AM Monday, May 14, 2012
So, i have been back from the tioman trip since few days ago. Became super dark now. Went back to popular just now and everyone said i turned so dark and asked me the same question. Why i so dark. Haha. And obviously, its going to be because of my tioman trip. :) It has been a fun trip with my wushu friends. My duplicates according to someone. :) And so these are the photos for the first day.
Just before the day we depart for tioman, i went for supper at thomson road with some of my friends. We had prata at first. Followed by 1 bowl of noodles shared by 4 people. I know its stupid but we just wanna try out the taste of it since its our first time. And then we walked down to the next stall that sells ice cream. We ordered 1 ball of ice cream each. Toppled with different flavors. When we were done, we headed for our last station. Rochor beancurd. It was nice. But not as good as LAO BAN. Though i only tasted it once before.
After that, we went to my friend's house to ton. We played cards and games the whole night and not sleeping. And then headed out to the meeting point at 5am. My friend's mum drove us there. So we had our breakfast nearby the meeting place before boarding the bus. It took us about 4 hours before reaching the jetty in malaysia. Like seriously long distance. I slept throughout the journey. But there were stops in between the 4 hours for us to rest and grab some bite.
When we reached the jetty, we registered ourselves and settled the necessary documents before the ship arrives and bring us to the next destination.
And so, the ship finally arrived and we were boarding it...
Took a photo of my friends when we were in the ship and had nothing to do.
These photos were taken when we went out to the back of the ship. We couldnt hold our butt to the seats so we went to the back of the ship to get some fresh air. And den we encountered these island that looks cool.
And after an hour of ride in the ship, we arrived at the check point where we have to change to a small boat and travel for another 45 mins. Like seriously? The journey was freaking long to me. But however, after the long wait, we finally arrived at our destination. Looking at the photos, it shows how wonderful i had lived for the 3 days with such beautiful scenery. But we were a little disappointed with the place we have to sleep in for the 3 days because its far from our expectations. Its a kampong and not a chalet standard, which was different from what the travel agencies told us. But still we got over it by the time the sun set. We reached there at about 1.45pm.
Upon arriving, we checked in and put our stuff in our room and get ourselves settled down and headed out to the cafe for our lunch. The lunch was nice. Everything that i ate there was nice and fresh. Its all seafood. But we couldnt help it. We kept ordering extras. After our lunch we went for our snorkeling. Came back at 5pm and had dinner. We then chatted till 2am and headed back to our rooms.
We were playing card games on the first day while waiting for our lunch to get ready.
The next morning we woke up and had our breakfast at this place and then headed our to the sea for more snorkeling. This time round, we traveled to a few places and the fishes were nice and its really cool to snorkel.
On the second night, we were all tired from the activities we had in the day, we also bought a bottle of alcohol to enjoy at night while chatting away. But ended up we all got drunk.
On the third day, as usual, we woke up to have our breakfast. This time round slightly later than the past few days because we all got drunk and slept real late. After our breakfast, we all packed up and prepared to leave the island and head back to singapore. These are the photos i took before heading back to singapore.
Overall, we enjoyed really well, alot of things happened like keys got lost in the sea and we managed to get it back. And we nearly fell and lost our lives and etc... Its really something worth going through before entering NS. And so, fuck NS. Damn...
Wei Ping posted at 12:35 AM Friday, April 27, 2012
Fuck i hate this kind of people. Our government give them a chance to work in singapore then they treat us like dirt. Please know your place. We can always kick you back anytime. We aren't slaves. We didn't want to be slaves either. Black sheeps are everywhere. Whatever sheeps you saw doesn't represent every single one of us singaporean. Fuck you much for your comments. People like you don't deserve a nice word from me, and any other singaporean who are proud to be one singaporean. I have many friends who deserve the place more than you. And i am sure they are more capable and more worthy of taking your place in singapore. Your existence in singapore is a waste of our resources. From your retarded comments, it just shows that your maturity level is far worse than any slaves you can find in this world.
Sorry for the vulgarities. I seriously cannot accept people like this guy who stepped and looked down on us singaporeans.
***Disclaimer: I do not own this photo and i have no relations with this person in my Facebook*** Wei Ping posted at 1:25 AM Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Saw this picture on facebook. Someone probably made it and share it. I think its cool so i am going to share it here with you guys. This girl is sexy. Really. Wei Ping posted at 11:45 PM Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Graduated le. Free from studying for the time being. Wouldnt be touching school stuff for quite a few years because i will be working as a policeman for 5 years. After that, i may further my studies in the university. Not so looking forward to uni because i know life is going to be touch studying in there. And i finally left POPULAR le. After working in there for years, i decided to find another job for the time being before enlisting in june. Wanna try something new. At first i thought i can find a job with a lesser working hours per day but in the den its even longer. But i earn more than what i do in POPULAR la. Thats the good thing. And its a temp job. So i can get to rest for a while before working for another project. Will be going to tioman on 8-10 may. Hopefully its a fun and safe trip. will be posting photos when i am back. Will be going the the new job. From morning till night. Its going to be damn tiring i know. But lets hope everything is going to be over soon. I want to enlist soon because i can stop thinking about other things. Thats all for now. Bye... Wei Ping posted at 5:43 PM |